Why Map

Why MAP?

Why you should use MAP as your College Admissions Guide

There are certainly some fine tutors and essay editors out there. But none provides the comprehensive, personalized performance that MAP delivers—not even close. Other essay editing websites typically offer to write your essays for you, which results in cliché personal statements that hardly reflect your own nature (because the essays are written by strangers) and are often recycled for other student essays or even plagiarized. MAP will enhance your own voice so your essays represent your absolute best writing possible on your best day, often elevating your writing to a quality you never anticipated.

But beyond that, no other college admissions service takes into account the reality of the numerous essay requirements involved, and thus they all fail to simplify an extremely daunting task. It’s no longer 1980. Applicants have to do more than write one personal statement that they can use for every college. The application process has become more complex, and only MAP’s 5-step process manages it for you, according to your individual requirements. MAP conceptualizes how many essays you have, and how best to consolidate them all so you can recycle and tweak—this saves hours of time, reduces the cost, and prevents a whole lot of anxiety. Plus, our online process allows you to work at your own pace and to be creative when you feel ready; we do not set an hour during the week when you are expected to produce literary magic with a tutor hovering over your shoulder. By utilizing our innovative, one-of-a-kind online tool, you will get your work done in less time, on your own time. If you are a local client and need our in-person guidance, we will of course show up at your home, but we have created a system that makes that requirement obsolete.

Furthermore, only MAP guides you through the logistical labyrinth of instructions for the online college applications. Our experience and creativity will ensure that you take advantage of all the hidden opportunities on your applications, such as finding ways to utilize extra-space sections for essays that run too long and submitting different versions of the Common App to different schools. MAP will also provide quick and straightforward responses to all your questions.

Ultimately, there is the quick way and there is the right way—fortunately, MAP points you down the path where the two are one and the same.